NTS GAT Subject Test Preparation Guidelines With Useful Tips

NTS GAT Subject Test Preparation is necessary to pass the test For admission to Ph.D. programs at most Pakistani universities. The GAT (Subject), is conducted by the National Testing Service, also known as NTS. It’s done according to its pre-announced schedule. It is a requirement for HEC foreign Ph.D. scholarships. our personal opinion is that GAT subject tests are easier than GAT General Tests. about 30% of the questions are general sections, and 70% are about subject questions.

 NTS GAT Subject Test Preparation Guidelines

The GAT subject test results are valid for only 2 years. We will be sharing details about the format, pattern, and NTS GAT Subject Test Preparation tips for NTS GAT Subject Test. For success in the GAT subject test (Subject), you are strongly advised to carefully read the following tips. The GAT Subject Test has 100 MCQs. The test takes 2 hours.

The test is divided into two sections

  • General section: 30 %
  • Subject section: 70%

NTS GAT Subject Test Preparation Guidelines With Useful Tips Below

Preparation for the Subject Section

Each discipline has a different subject section. It also varies depending on the area in which the test is taken. NTS can assist you with this. NTS has posted the paper distribution for subject sections of GAT (subject) on its official website www.nts.org.pk.

This will be very helpful in your preparation for the subject section. In the subject section of the GAT test (Subject), you will find questions that are generally Master-level. For step-by-step preparation, you can download the details regarding paper distribution in the subject section of GAT (subject).

These are some guidelines to help you prepare

  1. To grasp the ideas in every sentence, be a good reader and a curious learner.
  2. Notify the important information like dates, definitions, names and addresses of scholars, main assumptions, key steps, and other details. These are the important areas that are covered in MCQs.
  3. You must not only read the course books but also the MCQ books for your subject.
  4. Revise your books multiple times to retain the information.
  5. To fully understand each topic conceptually, you must study it.
  6. Prepare a pencil to highlight important information in every sentence that can be asked in MCQ. High-lighter can be used to highlight important facts and figures.

Preparation for analytic reasoning

The analytical reasoning section generally asks statement-based and scenario-based questions. These sections will test your intelligence and common sense.  These questions are designed to test students’ ability to analyze a situation, scenario, or statement. Students are presented with unusual situations, statements, or situations and are asked questions about them.

These questions are used to assess the student’s problem-solving ability and situation. These questions can’t be solved if you don’t have a greatly logical approach or out-of-the-box thinking ability. This section is not for bookworms. This section will require you to master the art of thinking outside the box in order to get good marks. Students are required to answer analytical questions in order to assess their analytical abilities.

Examples: Azhar must read four books (i.e. English, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry are the four subjects that he must study from Thursday to Sunday. The following rules will apply to him:

  1. Chemistry a day before English
  2. Biology is studied a day after Physics

Q. No.1. Which of the following is the correct order of books for four days?

A. Chemistry, Biology, English, Physics
B. Biology, Chemistry, English, Physics
C. Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English
D. English, Chemistry, Biology, Physics.

Q. No. 2. If Azhar studies Chemistry on Saturday, which must he have read on Thursday?

A. English
B. Biology
C. Physics
D. English or Physics

Q. No. 3. Each of the following is possible EXCEPT:
A. Chemistry on Thursday
B. Sunday Physics
C. Physics Thursday
D. Biology Saturday

These are some guidelines:

  1. The majority of questions are about combining items. Prepare for such questions.
  2. You can practice the MCQs in your local books. This will allow you to understand the nature of each question and how to solve them.
  3. Attention is required for these MCQs. During the test, be attentive and focus on the question.
  4. Focus on the question and the rule simultaneously to be able to answer the question. Students tend to focus on the data and ignore the rules. To solve problems quickly, you must keep both.
  5. You can draw a short symbol on rough paper if the rules are presented as a long statement. This will allow you to easily comprehend the rules while also allowing you to focus on the data and the options.

Preparation for Verbal (English)

English Part assesses the candidate’s grammatical knowledge and vocabulary in relation to its correct use. These questions are:

  1. Analogies questions
  2. Paragraph based questions
  3. Tense related questions
  4. Correct usage of verbs, adverbs, adjectives, conjunctions, or prepositions in sentences
  5. Synonyms and Antonyms

These are the guidelines for preparation:

  1. You will learn how to correctly use prepositions that are frequently used. Each test has at least two to three MCQs on correct preposition usage. Example: Someone knocks at ____ your door. (A) on (B), over (C), and at (D). Answer Someone knocks at your door.
  2. You can find good books on MCQs (i.e. SAT-I). These books are used for the majority of the questions about synonyms/antonyms and analogies.
  3. The local MCQs books offer a variety of MCQs that can be used for testing. This will allow you to prepare quickly.
  4. As some questions concern the correct usage of a verb, or auxiliaries, in English tenses, it is important to learn the basics. Example: The window has been broken (A), broken (B), and cracked (C). Answer The window has been broken.

Free download of nts gat subject preparation books

You are in the right place if you want to take the GAT test. You will be able to succeed if you study the books and prepare well. There are many books on GAT that can be found in bazaars and markets. Each book contains MCQ questions as well as preparing data for the GAT. Only the most relevant content will aid in preparation. We provide here books for your help below.

Dogar Publishers NTS books free download pdf 2022

My favorite book is the Caravan GK books. The combination of the Caravan General Knowledge Encyclopedia and Caravan General Knowledge Encyclopedia makes a wonderful combination. Dogar Unique books are excellent preparation books and support books for the GAT test. For the Subjective section, you will need to prepare your subject and recommend books. Download these books for test preparations.

GAT Subject Test Preparation books free download pdf Download
Fully Solved NTS Testing System Download
The Best Book for GAT Download
Smart Brain GAT Book Download

Strategies For Test

  1. Try the easiest MCQs first. The more difficult MCQs can be saved for the end. To identify each unattempted MCQ, circle it.
  2. If you find one MCQ too time-consuming, don’t stick with it. You will have more time for other MCQs.
  3. You don’t know what to do with MCQs. You can skip the option that you don’t think is correct. You have a better chance of choosing the right option.
  4. In preparation for the actual test, you should practice with a few test questions at home. This will allow you to learn how to solve MCQs quickly and finish the test on time.
  5. MCQ exams take a short time. To get an idea of the time it takes to complete each MCQ, divide the total time by the number of MCQs.
  6. During your test, you must wear a wristwatch. To keep track of the time, you must watch your wristwatch.
  7. Take the time to read each MCQ carefully and complete the test as quickly as possible.
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